Block Trading FAQs
is Block Trading?
trading is the act of aggregating multiple trades together to obtain an average
should an advisor conduct block trades for a client?
who are buying or selling a certain equity for multiple clients should utilize
block trading, so all clients are able to receive the same average price. This
prevents any client from benefiting over another, or what regulators often
refer to as “cherry-picking.” Cherry-picking takes place when a certain client
or group of clients get better pricing, trades, or allocation opportunities
over other clients. This often happens when advisors consistently call their
largest clients first to discuss a new trade or opportunity, placing those trades
ahead of other clients. If an advisor simply blocks the trades together (even
if done throughout the day) pricing discrepancy can be avoided.
an advisor wants to trade the same security as clients, should they hold their
personal trades until the end of the day to ensure they do not trade before
the client?
ahead of clients is called “front-running.” This is a broker-dealer/FINRA metric.
As a fiduciary, the metric used is whether an advisor got a better price than
the client, regardless of when the trade was placed that day. Best practice is
for an advisor to block personal trades with the client trades, so everyone
gets the same price, eliminating questions of cherry-picking for personal
an advisor trade their personal securities the day after client trades are
This is not
the best practice. It can be a viable solution if an advisor cannot block
trades together with client trades, but if an advisor utilizes this threshold
and consistently gets better prices than clients it can lead to further
scrutiny. The best practice is to simply block personal trades together with
client trades, ensuring the same price for all parties.
if I manage accounts individually instead of using models?
Even if
you do not use models, if you want to buy or sell a certain security across
multiple accounts, that is a rep-initiated trade, and should be placed in a
block to avoid cherry-picking.
about client-initiated trades?
If a
client unexpectedly contacts you because they have added funds to their account
or need to raise money, you should still add a trade in common with other
clients to the block trading account at the custodian. We recognize this is not always possible for
client-initiated trades. You should note
your client’s file for these trades as you may still be contacted by compliance
about price discrepancies. Compliance
can close-out client-initiated trades if it is not part of a larger pattern of
block trading discrepancies.
do block trades get submitted?
depends on which platform the advisor is trading on. Every advisor should have access to a block
trading account at the custodian. If advisors are unsure how to access the
block trading account, contact Advisory Services ( The block account will allow advisors to
place the singular trade (or multiple trades throughout the day) for the total
number of shares (“the block”). Once executed, advisors would submit the
subsequent “allocation” file, telling the custodial system how to allocate the
shares. If an advisor utilizes one of the custodial order management/model
trading tools or the Orion Trade Order Management (TOM) system, the allocation
files are automatically sent with the block trade, telling the trade system to
block the individual equity trades together.
if a block trade could move the market?
If an
advisor believes his or her total block trade could move the market, the
advisor should work with the custodian trade desks to enter a Time-Weighted
Average Price (TWAP) or Volume-Weighted Average Price (VWAP) trade. The trade
desk can time or volume “slice” the trade into smaller chunks and actively work
the trades throughout the trading day, attempting to fill the shares without
adversely affecting the market. This ensures the market would not see a
singular, massive trade. Please note that this approach does not need to be
used in all circumstances. If the trade is not going to move the market on a
security, the price/share savings is minimal and may be offset by costs
associated with utilizing the custodial trade desk.
Contacts for How To Utilize
Trade Systems/Block Trading
access must be submitted for by the Advisory Services team
Trade Desk Contact Information
Schwab Trade Desk:
800-553-0933 (Equities)
888-986-3700 (Fixed Inc)
800-367-5198 (Mutual Funds)
TD Ameritrade Trade Desk:
800-400-6288 (have advisor code ready)
Fidelity Trade Desk:
800-523-1203; code 51209
*Trade Errors*
All trade errors must be submitted to Advisory
Services and processed through Mutual. For equity trade errors, advisors can
instruct the trade desk to place the covering trade to prevent market movement,
but the remainder of the trade error must be submitted through Mutual. As the
registered investment adviser, Mutual is regulatorily required to track and
monitor all trade errors and ensure they are completed appropriately.
Therefore, they must be submitted through the team in Mutual’s home office.
Advisors should be prepared to communicate the error, cause of the error, and
any corrective action taken. Advisory Services will then handle the remainder
of the trade correction process.