Testimonial Usage Guidance

Testimonial Usage Guidance

Mutual Securities


Testimonial Usage Guidance


A testimonial is any statement by a current client advised by the investment adviser:

·       About the client or investor’s experience with the investment adviser or its supervised persons.

·       That directly or indirectly solicits any current or prospective client to be a client of the investment adviser; or

·       That refers any current or prospective client or investor to be a client of the investment adviser.

An endorsement is any statement, written or oral, by a person other than a current client that:

·       Indicates approval, support, or recommendation of the investment adviser or its supervised persons or describes that person’s experience with the investment adviser or its supervised persons.

·       Directly or indirectly solicits any current or prospective client or investor to be a client of, or an investor in a private fund advised by, the investment adviser; or

·       Refers any current or prospective client or investor to be a client of, or an investor in a private fund advised by, the investment adviser.

NOTE: A compensated (cash or non-cash) endorsement is a “solicitation or referral” and will follow our Solicitor’s Policy and Procedures. Compensated testimonials are strictly prohibited.



Any testimonial or endorsement an advisor wants to use in any marketing material must go through Compliance review prior to use. The testimonial or endorsement can be submitted by a case to Compliance through the Power Portal. Select the type of retail communication for the Case Topic, just as with any other content review. Compliance will review each testimonial individually for material information specific to the facts and circumstances of that testimonial. If approved to use, Compliance will provide the appropriate disclosure language for that specific testimonial. While the disclosure language may substantially be similar for most testimonials, each testimonial must be reviewed independently of any others and specific disclosures must be made of any material information related to that testimonial. NOTE: If you want to be able to utilize LinkedIn Endorsements on your LinkedIn profile, refer to the Updated Disclosure Guidance for the appropriate disclosure language to add to your LinkedIn profile in the About section.



With any testimonial or endorsement being submitted for review, there are some basic questions you should be prepared to answer. Below are a list of initial questions Compliance will ask. This list may not be exhaustive, is subject to change and may lead to additional questions if more clarification is necessary. However, it should give you a baseline of what to expect when submitting testimonials for use.


1.       Is this from a client or non-client?

2.      Is there any compensation being exchanged for this testimonial or endorsement?

3.      Was this testimonial or endorsement solicited by you?

4.      If a client, how long have they been a client?

5.      If a client, does this client have any special considerations they receive that most other clients do not (i.e. reduced fee schedules, customized portfolios, etc.)?

6.      If a non-client, what is the nature of the relationship you have with the endorser? And how long has that relationship been in place?

7.      Is there any other material information regarding your relationship or the content of the testimonial or endorsement that would be considered important context for potential clients to understand?

These questions will serve as the building blocks of reviewing and developing appropriate disclosures for each testimonial or endorsement submitted for review.



Additional information on the Advertising Rule can be found on the Power Portal Knowledgebase. This includes the Advertising Rule Policy, Advertising Rule Guidance, Advertising Rule FAQs or the Updated Disclosure Guidance materials.


If you have questions about this guidance or any particular advertising scenario, please reach out to Compliance and schedule time with us.


Thank you,

The Mutual Compliance Team

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